Our Commitment During Coronavirus

Health & Safety Comes First


Updated 1.9.2023

As Coronavirus (COVID-19) remains a concern in our local communities, we want to let you know that the health of our families and providers comes first. We're proud to be incident-free of a community spread this far into the pandemic.

Below is how we are keeping our members safe.

Prior to Making a Booking

1) We have informed all of our providers of the CDC's prevention guidelines and have also asked them to cancel client sessions if they exhibit any signs of illness.

2) See provider’s COVID vaccination status under “Certifications” on their profiles. The info is updated by Apiari only with proof of vaccination.

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3) Request a COVID test. We recognize that you may have additional precautions you'd like providers to take as they enter your home. We suggest you leave any specific notes and requests, such as wearing masks inside and taking a COVID test for your providers via your Apiari session notes when you request a booking.

We also encourage families to let our providers know when they were last tested as well in these notes!

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After a Booking is Made

1) We will cancel Apiari sessions if you have reason to believe you or someone in your household has been exposed to the Coronavirus.

2) We will waive all late-cancellation fees (within 24 hrs of start time) due to illness.

3) If your provider cancels due to illness, we will inform you to search for an alternative provider to provide backup coverage.

4) We respect our families' and providers' wishes if either would like to suspend their Apiari services during this period of heightened concern.

Should you need to reschedule or book any of your sessions, you can do so by visiting us at Get Started and select "My Sessions"

We are all in this together and know it's even more challenging for families to manage all their household needs. Please know we are still here and have providers who are ready to help when you are ready to have a trusted provider in your home again.

Please reach out if you have any questions or additional concerns. 

Stay healthy and safe,
All of us at Apiari



"Keep Our Home COVID-Free" template: Create your own house rules to set expectations on how family members and guests can stay healthy and safe.